Agribusiness Sector

Analytical insights into the Agribusiness Sector (exc. Wine industry) in the SA region covering Barossa, Gawler Light, and Adelaide Plains.
The Agribusiness Sector generated $1,054M in output and $434M in value added in 2020/21, 8.8% of the total RDA BGLAP Region economy.
This represented 7.4% of South Australia's total Agribusiness Sector value.
In 2020/21, $87M (20%) of value was generated by Outdoor Vegetable Growing.
The second highest contributing industry was Other Grain Growing.
Value added in the sector grew by 1.7% p.a. over the last decade. This was higher than the South Australia average of -1.7% p.a.
Recent growth (last four years) has averaged 3.2% p.a., higher than the South Australia average (-1.1%)
The Agribusiness Sector supported 3,585 (11.5% of total jobs) and provided employment for 2,560 (6.4% of all employed residents) in 2020/21.
The region represented 7.6% of all South Australia's total Agribusiness Sector jobs.
In 2020/21, an estimated 561 (16% of local jobs) were in Outdoor Vegetable Growing.
The industry that employed the most local residents (inside and outside the region) was Other Grain Growing with 303 (12% of all Agribusiness Sector resident workers).
Local jobs in the sector averaged 5.0% p.a. growth over the decade to 2020/21. Growth in employment of local residents in the sector was lower over the decade, averaging 2.2% p.a.
Recent growth in jobs (7.9% p.a.) has been higher than the decade average.
Jobs growth in the sector in South Australia averaged 1.4% p.a. over the decade and 2.1% p.a. in recent years.
In 2021, the most over-represented industries* in the BGLAP Agribusiness Sector were Prepared Animal and Bird Feed Manufacturing (9x the South Australia average share of Agribusiness Sector jobs), Horse Farming and Poultry Farming (eggs).
The most over-represented occupations were Information and Organisation Professionals, and Natural and Physical Science Professionals.
* Over-represented means a higher share of local workers are in this industry/occupation compared to the benchmark average.
Industry Concentrations

N.B. A location quotient is a simple way of seeing which are the main industries in an area, relative to the larger benchmark region. LQ shows the percentage of the local economy characteristic (eg. employment, value add) in a particular industry divided by the percentage of the characteristic in the industry in a benchmark area (region, state, nation) . A number greater than 1 suggest the industry is over-represented locally and could be a specialisation. Tables have been filtered for industries/occupations with >0.5% share of jobs
In 2021, the largest number of registered businesses (107; 30%), were in Grain-Sheep or Grain-Beef Cattle Farming.
Another 11% (63) were in Other Grain Growing.
Registered business numbers have increased by 2.8% p.a. (+139 businesses) between June 2011 and 2021, led by Vegetable Growing (Under Cover) (+29) and Other Agriculture and Fishing Support Services (+29).
Growth in the last four years has been very strong (5.1% p.a.) driven by strong growth in Vegetable Growing (indoors and outdoors).
The BGLAP Region Agribusiness Sector workforce in 2021 was slightly more female orientated, less likely to be full-time and more likely to be earning a lower income than the state average.
(45 years)
Source: ABS Census, 2021;
South Australia
Born o/s

Degree Educated
In 2021, the main occupations of local workers in the Agribusiness Sector were Farmers and Farm/Garden Workers.
The two top field of study areas for qualified workers were Agriculture and Business and Management.
In 2021, 13% of local workers in the Agribusiness Sector had degree level qualifications. This is lower than the share of local workers in all sectors (21%).
Qualification attainment was also lower than that for South Australia workers as a whole in the sector (15% degree qualified in 2021).
In 2021, the most common age bracket for local workers in the Agribusiness Sector was 45 to 54 year olds (21%).
The region had a slightly lower share of Agribusiness Sector workers aged between 15 to 24 compared to the South Australia average.
In 2021, The broader Adelaide Plains area around Mallala (DZN 411131607) was nominated in the Census as the working destination for 471 workers in the Agribusiness Sector, 19% of the BGLAP region's total. The largest industries were vegetable growing outdoors, grain growing and poultry farming. Two Wells was another key location with an estimated 15% jobs, most in vegetable growing.
This report relies on data sourced from NIEIR (2021) and ABS Census of Population and Housing (2011, 2016, 2021).
The sector includes relevant activities within the ANZSIC industry definitions for Agriculture and Food Product Manufacturing. Wine industry related areas such as grape growing and wine beverage manufacturing are not included.